The addition of MATHY-M to all commercial engine oils results in an improvement of the lubricating effect. MATHY-M improves the compressive strength of commercially available engine oils. This reduces friction and wear, and increases the reliability of engines. On board, vibration and noise are reduced.
The emergency running characteristics of the engine oil is significantly improved by MATHY-M. MATHY-M has the same effect on hydraulic systems, compressors, and other units aboard. The addition of MATHY-M results in a significant improvement of the corrosion protection and can be applied to all commercially available engine oils. The creeping properties and adhesiveness of an oil complemented with MATHY-M is higher than that of any commercial engine oil.
For instance, during a winter break the MATHY-M oil mixture adheres longer and seamlessly to the metal surfaces. It does not run off like other oils. In addition, MATHY-M penetrates the crystalline surface of metals. As a result, MATHY-M’s corrosion protection remains intact even during long downtimes. The addition of MATHY-M entails a cleaning effect. As a result, encrustations and varnish formations (stuck piston rings) are dissolved in the engine. They are removed from the engine with the prescribed oil filter changes. New deposits and varnish formations are prevented by MATHY-M.